The Economic Case for Greening the Global Recovery through Cities

Coalition for Urban Transitions

The Coalition for Urban Transitions (CUT) released a report that adresses the questions how, in the wake of COVID-19, national governments can boost their economies, create green jobs today, and put their cities on a path toward long-term resilience and prosperity.

The report shows that despite the important role cities have at the epicentre of the COVID-19 health and economic crises, only 7% of recovery stimuli so far have been directed towards sectors that are relevant for cities and only 16% of the stimuli going to these sectors is green: Transport is 14% green, Energy 21%, Waste 5%.

To overcome this, the report identifies 7 priority areas for urban investment by national governments which can yield significant net benefits, rapidly create and protect millions of jobs for vulnerable population groups and deliver quick and durable health and environmental benefits for citizens, all whilst contributing to long-term urban resilience.:

  • Clean mobility
  • Renewable energy
  • Active transport
  • Nature-based solutions
  • Green construction
  • Waste and resources
  • R&D for clean technologies