About Collaborative Climate Action
Collaborative Climate Action (CCA) is politically intended, well-organised cooperation across different levels of government to achieve climate goals – ideally jointly defined and implemented. Effective and more ambitious implementation can only be achieved through collaboration.
The main tool to turn the overarching global goals of the Paris Agreement into action are the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Both the first round of NDCs and most of the NDCs updated in 2020/2021 are far from sufficient to avoid catastrophic global warming, leading to average temperature increase in the range from 2.9 to 3.4 degrees Celsius.
Given the insufficient commitments in most NDCs, there is an urgent need for more ambitious and more effective climate action. Cities are responsible for 75% of global CO2 emissions and 80% of global final energy consumption. At the same time, urban areas are centres for innovation and economic activity – more than half of the world’s population already lives in cities and they generate over 80% of the global gross national product (GDP). Cities and regions are therefore crucial parts of the solution, playing an indispensable role in implementing climate measures and achieving sustainable development.
Local governments across the globe have, on average, primary authority over about one third of the potential for urban climate change mitigation (not taking into account decarbonisation of the power sector). The national level accounts for a further one third, while the final one third hinges on collaboration between levels of government.
This website is intended to promote better cooperation across government levels. To further advance ambitious climate action, the website contributes to a growing network of global, national, regional, and local stakeholders by sharing knowledge, highlighting best practices and exchanging experiences and ideas.
The International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA2019) held by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in Heidelberg in May 2019 put the focus on climate action of cities and cooperation across government levels.
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