Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions through Urban Climate Action

UN Habitat

The guide ‘Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through urban climate action’ is the result of a 6 month collaboration between partners and country representatives, all experts across the urban development and climate change community.

Underlying this collaboration, was the question ‘ if urban areas contribute significantly to global emissions, and our cities are so vulnerable to climate impacts, what can we do to ensure the urban content of national climate actions (NDCs) is increased ?’.

The guide provides practical opportunities for incorporating urban climate action and human settlement issues into the current NDC revision and enhancement process – whether the process is already underway, or at planning stage.

It aims to inspire governments to go further in integrating urban and human settlement issues into NDCs, and effectively integrate the urban development community in the formulation and implementation process.

Enhancing NDCs through Urban Climate Action