Discover Resources for Collaborative Climate Action

The Resources database presents various case studies, analyses, guidelines and sourcebooks of best practices worldwide. These examples and references demonstrate how urban climate policies and sustainable urban development are being effectively designed and implemented through collaborative efforts. The showcased examples cover initiatives and projects of partner organisations and countries.

Tunisia joins CHAMP

5. March 2025/by Lisa Keusen

The United Kingdom joins CHAMP

13. November 2024/by Tobias Bernstein

Finland joins CHAMP

13. November 2024/by Tobias Bernstein

Daring Cities brings together leaders from around the world to take on the climate emergency

23. September 2024/by Ricarda Faber

The NDC 3.0 Navigator – a tool to support ambition and accelerate implementation of the 2025 NDCs

23. September 2024/by Ricarda Faber

The Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency (LGMA) webinars

23. September 2024/by Ricarda Faber

CHAMP Resources for cities and regions

23. September 2024/by Ricarda Faber

CHAMP Resources for national governments

23. September 2024/by Ricarda Faber

UN-Habitat Report: How urban are the NDCs?

23. September 2024/by Ricarda Faber

Over 70 countries sign Pledge for new Multilevel Climate Action Initiative

18. December 2023/by Clarissa Kees

C40 Releases Handbook Showcasing City Success to Raise National NDC Ambition

22. June 2023/by Clarissa Kees

2nd edition of the GCoM Multilevel Climate Action Playbook released!

30. December 2022/by Clarissa Kees

ICLEI World Congress – “You need the national government to set high targets”

From 11th to 13th May, ICLEI hosted the Malmö Summit as part…
13. June 2022/by Clarissa Kees

GCoM Releases Guide to Empowering Local and Regional Climate Contributions

11. February 2022/by Clarissa Kees

CCFLA Mexico Forum – Advancing Collaborative Climate Action for Successful Project Preparation

The 2021 Mexico Forum brought together representatives from local,…
3. September 2021/by Clarissa Kees

Case Studies on Collaborative Climate Action from V-LED

Presented here are four Real Practice Study Studies on concrete cases of CCA co-authored with country experts, with in-depth analysis of four cases, their potential, value and outcome, replication and challenges.
3. June 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Cities on the Route to 2030 – Building a zero emissions, resilient planet for all

The CDP report “Cities on the Route to 2030” synergises data received by 812 cities to assess the state and trends of subnational climate action.
26. May 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Collaborative Climate Action – Aspiration enhancing Cooperation

The article “Aspiration enhancing cooperation”, published in the journal Development and Cooperation reflects upon the importance of collaborative climate action and the benefits thereof.
18. May 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Renewables in Cities – 2021 Global Status Report

Renewable energy is key to achieve climate-friendly cities and meet international, national and local climate ambition. The new REN21 Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status Report provides a comprehensive overview of the status and developments of renewable energy in cities.
4. May 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Global Synthesis Report on Local Climate Action

The report synthesises a wide range of themes regarding subnational climate action and provides a useful resource for practitioners and researchers alike.
20. April 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

NDC Synthesis Report

The UNFCCC’s synthesis of the recently submitted NDCs demonstrates that current commitments are not enough to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
20. April 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Seizing the Urban Opportunity

Countries around the globe are facing a triple challenge with the economic recovery from COVID-19, long-term socio-economic development goals and the threats from the climate crisis. Cities and regions are key to tackle these challenges, as the new report by the Coalition for Urban Transitions argues.
20. April 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda – Launch of Policy Brief

Summary of the event launching the policy brief "Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda – A closer look at Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs)".
16. April 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda – Policy Brief

30. March 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Collaborative Climate Action – a Prerequisite for more Ambitious Climate Policy

The Collaborative Climate Action report was officially launched on with contributions elaborating on the importance of subnational and multi-level climate action, as well as practical examples from Indonesia.
19. February 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Updating the Nationally Determined Contributions – Observations and Opportunities

NDCs provide an opportunity to enhance subnational climate action and institutionalise multi-level climate governance, as our analysis of NDCs from Colombia, Peru and Kenya highlights.
5. February 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Collaborative Climate Action – a Prerequisite for more Ambitious Climate Policy

25. January 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Global States and Regions Annual Disclosure 2020

The Climate Group's annual "Global States and Regions - Annual Disclosure Report 2020" highlights the challenges and progress of 121 states and regions across all continents which disclosed their issues and solutions regarding climate change mitigation to the CDP.
25. January 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Subnational and non-state climate action in the EU

With a significant amount of multi-level climate action taking place in Europe, the NewClimate working paper scrutinises subnational and non-state climate action in the EU.
22. January 2021/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Submission to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance

22. December 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

The New Leipzig Charter „empowering cities to transform“

The updated version of the Leipzig Charter is the central document for integrated urban development in Europe and is strong on demanding self-confident action from cities and emphasising multi-level collaboration.
7. December 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

The benefits of cities for higher NDC ambition and post-COVID recovery

GIZ, UN Habitat and the NDCP Partnership hosted a joint event focussing on the question of how to secure multi-level coordination of climate action measures in light of COVID19, and what urban climate action can contribute to the NDCs and post-COVID recovery.
4. December 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Accelerating Net Zero

The two-part study analyses net-zero targets of subnational governments and businesses. While the first part maps the existing targets as of now, the second part provides local actors with the tools to assess their ambitions and associated impacts.
23. November 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

The Economic Case for Greening the Global Recovery through Cities

The Coalition for Urban Transitions' report adresses the questions how, in the wake of COVID-19, national governments can boost their economies, create green jobs today, and put their cities on a path toward long-term resilience and prosperity.
5. November 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Global Recovery: An Imperative for Multi-Level Governance

Joining the calls for a global green recovery, local and national decision-makers from Kenya and the Philippines shared best practices of collaboration across governance levels.
23. October 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Collaborative Climate Action – Experiences from Local Leaders

The concluding session of our three-part event series took a closer look at climate projects in the capital of Georgia, in Tbilisi, and in Hermosillo, Mexico.
12. October 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Build Back Better through Collaborative Climate Action: A High-Level Discussion with National and Subnational Governments

25. September 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

How to mainstream climate projects into local governance frameworks

The second event of the Climate Policy Meets Urban Development series focused on how climate projects can be mainstreamed into cities’ governance frameworks.
16. September 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

C40 Vertical Integration Guide

C40’s Climate Action Planning Resource Center has made available a number of new tools for cities to analyse their vertical integration and facilitate their climate action planning.
17. August 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

The German multi-level climate support architecture

The Climate Policy Meets Urban Development event series kicked off with contributions on the German multi-level climate support architecture of the National Climate Initiative (NCI) and its mechanisms to foster local climate projects.
9. July 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

The role of subnational governments in long-term climate strategies

The GIZ event featured speakers from Chile and Slovenia reporting from their experiences with collaborative climate action in designing long-term strategies within their countries.
9. July 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Recover Green – Higher NDC Ambition through Collaborative Climate Action

The launch event of the Discussion Paper highlighted the necessities for, and benefits of, including subnational actors in the NDC enhancement process and the opportunities of post-COVID19 recovery packages.
8. July 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Recover Green – Higher NDC-Ambition through Collaborative Climate Action

8. July 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Event series on Local Climate Leadership in times of COVID-19

In this online event series, experts looked at support mechanisms for local climate action and discussed urban multi-level climate governance in Germany and internationally.
29. June 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions through Urban Climate Action

The UN-Habitat guide provides practical examples for incorporating urban climate action and human settlement issues in the NDC revision and enhancement process.
1. June 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Engaging Subnational Governments in Climate Action

In the insight brief the NDC Partnership showcases various formats of including subnational actors in climate action and provides examples of support by the NDC Partnership ranging from subnational workshops in Indonesia to institutional capacity building in Nepal.
25. May 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Supporting local climate action through the National Climate Initiative

In this event experts shared insights on the implementation of Germany’s National Climate Initiative and emphasised Collaborative Climate Action as being integral for its success.
16. April 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Synthesis Report on Non-State Climate Action

The 2019 Synthesis Report on Non-State Climate Action by Climate Chance summarises over 1,000 external sources such as reports, academic studies and press articles. It reflects on the diversity of subnational and non-state climate action.
27. February 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Renewables in Cities: 2019 Global Status Report

The report touches on various aspects of renewable energy in urban environments and outlines the distinct role of cities in the renewable energy transition.
26. February 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Higher NDC Ambition through Collaborative Climate Action

The event offers different perspectives on increasing NDC-ambition through collaboration between government levels.
11. February 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

WUF10: Localising Global Agendas

The 10th World Urban Forum marked the first international momentum on climate action and sustainable development in the run-up to COP26 in the UK.
24. January 2020/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Collaborative Climate Action – a Prerequisite for more Ambitious Climate Action (Online Appendix)

22. December 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Next Steps under the Paris Agreement and the Katowice Climate Package

The GIZ publication provides guidance to policy makers and practitioners on key steps and challenges in the development, implementation and maintenance of NDCs and transparency requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework.
11. December 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Entry Points to Support Collaborative Climate Action

A synthesis brief from the project Vertical Integration and Learning for Low-Emission Development in Africa and Southeast Asia.
11. December 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Localising the 2030 Agenda through Integrated Urban Development

This report outlines 5 case stories about the successful adaptation and implementation of an integrated urban development approach for localising the 2030 Agenda
6. December 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

COP25: NDCs and the Climate Emergency of Cities

At this COP25 side-event, hosted jointly by GIZ and ICLEI, the importance of Collaborative Climate Action was raised by panellists from different governmental levels.
4. December 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Collaborative Climate Action – Eine Voraussetzung für ambitionierte Klimapolitik (Online Appendix)

12. November 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou


Visit our partner website URBANET for news and debates on local governance, sustainable urban development and decentralisation.
6. November 2019/by ahnenenkel

A Sourcebook for Climate-Proof Urban Development

The Sourcebook addresses key issues at the interface of climate change and urban development.
5. November 2019/by ahnenenkel

Climate Emergency – Urban Opportunity

Zero-carbon cities offer a powerful lever to secure economic prosperity and boost living standards across a country – all while tackling the climate crisis. City governments cannot achieve this alone. National governments have unique and crucial roles to play.
4. November 2019/by ahnenenkel

Multi-Level Climate Governance – Supporting Local Action

This study bridges the gap between climate governance requirements and practical implementation under real life conditions.
31. October 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

ICCA2019 – Heidelberg Outcomes

The Heidelberg Outcomes offer lessons, levers and practical experiences with regard to implementation of Collaborative Climate Action in a multi-level approach.
30. October 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

International Climate Initiative Alliance México

Visit the IKI Alliance México Blog to browse the knowledge products of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) project portfolio in Mexico.
5. October 2019/by ahnenenkel

Enabling Subnational Climate Action through Multi-level Governance

Sharing experiences from the GIZ project VICLIM, Urban LEDS, ICLEI and UN-Habitat, this study showscases how successful multi-level governance looks in practice.
1. October 2019/by Aikaterini Karapantsiou

Climate Action Summit: New momentum for international climate action

On 23 September 2019, the UN Climate Action Summit, initiated by UN Secretary-General Guterres, convened in New York. More than 60 heads of state and government attended and presented their plans for effective climate measures.
24. September 2019/by ahnenenkel